Thursday, November 11, 2010

Flashback: 5th Grade.

So today I was just sitting at the dinner table eating chicken and remembered an embarrassing but kind of funny childhood memory. Just so you know, this is seriously what happened today. I'm not trying to be funny/random.
So here goes nothing:
When I was in fifth grade, we had to sit with our class to eat lunch. It was early in the year and I had no friends. Then one day, one of my classmates offered me a cookie. I took it, of course. They started laughing as I ate it. Later, one girl told me that they picked up the cookie from the floor. I still hate those stupid bitches. (Trust me, they are STILL bitches. And now they're also sluts.)
I think little me deserved it though. I was shy, fat, and kind of awkward. I'm still kind of awkward, but whatever.
And that's what I thought about today.

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